Hundlur Consulting covers all aspects of your business needs, such as Corporate Structure & Stakeholder Management, Sales & Marketing, Business Architecture, Value Chain Management, Social Media & Digital Marketing, Finance and our Startup Management Program.
We take our considerable successes, joint experience and global network, and we offer these assets to prospective clients.
Some of the specific elements we offer are:
- Retail metrics – The Brick Grid® is a 440 point partnership model to ensure you have outstanding retail
- On-line metrics – The Click Grid® is a 440 point partnership model to ensure you have outstanding e-commerce
- The Hundred Day Plan® - a highly ordered and detailed methodology for re-launching a business
- Coherence, cohesion, consistence® - consolidating your business into a serious and sustainable value proposition
- The Valuable Chain® - an audit, analysis and overhaul of your entire business architecture
- Strategic Intention, Tactical Action® - determining where you are now, want to be and how to get there
- Startup, Starterpack ® - a practical, simple and supported one-stop package for start-ups